Quality Interventions:-
- Free Text Books
- Free Uniforms
- Assesment at State Level
- Annual School Grant
- Library Grant
- Rastriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA)
(i) Science Exhibition/Book Fair
(ii) Quiz Competition
(iii) Study Trips for Students
(iv) Science Kits
(v) Math Kits
(vi) Excursion Trip for students - ICT
- Introduction of E-content in Schools
- Innovative Activities
Secondary :- Elementary:-
1. Shalla Shiddhi (School Evalution) 1. LEP-Learning Enhance Programme
2. Talent Search Programme 2. Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat
3. Teacher Exchange Programme 3. Teacher Exchange Programme
4. TLM Park 4. Student’s Progress Report Card
5. Kala Utsav 5. Remedial Teaching for weak learners
6. Training of in-service Teachers (Subject based) 6. TLM Park
Teacher Education:-
- Training of in-service Elementary & Secondary Level Teacher’s
- Science Teacher’s Training
- Math Teacher’s Training
- Training for Physical Instructors of schools
- Training for RPs (District & Block Level)
- Training of Head Teacher’s
- Induction Training of Teacher’s
- DIKSHA (National Teacher Portal)
MIS Activities:-
- U-DISE Activities
- Entry of Data related to House-Hold Survey
Access & Retention:-
- Up-gradation of Schools
- Vidyalaya Chalo Abhiyan-Elementary
- Vidyalaya Phire Chalo Abhiyan –Secondary
- NRSTC (Non Residential Special Training Centers)
- Strengthening of Existing Schools
- Residential School/Hostel
Civil Works:-
- Disaster Management
- School Safety Provision
- Strengthening of School Infrastructure
(i) Additional Classroom
(ii) Toilet facility (Boys, Girls & for CWSN)
(iii) Drinking water facility
(iv) Ramp & Handrails
(v) Major Repair - Construction of Residentional Hostel
- Construction of DIET Building
Community Mobilization:-
- Media & Community Mobilization
- Training of SMC/SMDC
Gender & Equity:-
- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)
- Self defence/ Martial Arts Training for Girls
- Adolescent Programme for Girl students
- Career Guidance Programme for Girls
- Kishori Utkarsh Manch
Inclusive Education:-
- Transport & Escort Allowances
- Identification & Assessment Camp
- Distribution of Aids & Appliances to CWSNs
- Home Based Education (HBE)
- Involvement of Special Educadors
- In-service Training of Special Educatadors
- Environment Building Programme
- Observation of World Disabled Day
Vocational Education:-
- Tools, Equipment & Furniture-related with Vocational Education
- Selection of Resource Persons/Educators
- Raw material Grant
- Providing Hands on Skill Training to students
- Assessment & Certification
- Induction training of Vocational Teachers
- Involvement of Press media for various Publicity Related Activities
REMS (Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision):-
- PINDICS (Performance Indicators of Teachers)
- NAS (National Achievement Survey)
- House-Hold Survey
Sports & Physical Education:-
- Introducing different types of sports in schools
- Training of Physical Instructors