Belonia Municipal Council, District-South Tripura was established on 11.8.1978. It has Geographical area of 5.74 Sq. Km. Its population parameters are:
- ST population -110 Male, 90 Female, the number of families being 57.
- SC population – 1,785 Male, 1,783 Female, the number of families being 1,009.
- OBC population – 3,031Male, 3,023Female, the number of families being 1,710.
- Among Minorities are 34 Males, 26 Females, total male & female adding up to 60, whereas number of families is 17
- General population – 5,650Male, 5,644Female, total male & female are 11,294.
All communities members form a grand total, Male-10,610, Female-10,566, total male &female population is 21,176 and families are 5,987.
The MAP of Belonia Municipal Council is given below:-